Entrepreneurship Development

The Entrepreneurs Associates (tEA) has been undertaking activities that draws out and nurtures the entrepreneurial aspirations of individuals in a region that celebrates white collared government jobs and derides other profession. tEA has been inspiring and enthusing individuals to look into the opportunities of innovative entrepreneurship in all spheres of life among local communities, challenging …

Who Are We

The Entrepreneurs Associates (tEA) is passionately promoting Entrepreneurship and develop sustainable livelihoods in the North Eastern states of India, by triggering social mindset change through intensive incubation, mentorship, offering Credit & Market linkages with continued advocacy. tEA nurtures the aspirations of individuals and communities, for economic development and increased participation of local people in the …

Livestock Development

Livestock rearing is an age-old practice of the Nagas and continues to be a common practice amongst Naga families and households. This activity has provided food security to families at times and can also act as a source of livelihood when developed well. The skills required in rearing livestock are inherent among Naga communities and …

Trees for Wealth(TfW)

An outcome of years of engagement with ethnic farmers and local communities in the North East since its inception in 2000, the Trees for Wealth (TfW) movement is by far the most audacious initiative of The Entrepreneurs Associates (tEA). The TfW aims to connect sustainable livelihood solutions and entrepreneurship, with climate change interventions and environment protection. – …