Evaluating Significance
Annual Report 2022-23
The year 2021-22 marked an increased growth in our outreach programmes for sustainable development. The state government’s collaborations scaled our programmes and increased our footprints across the state. The government’s support helped us to think bigger, something needed urgently as The Entrepreneurs Associates (tEA) completed 20 years in action. We are indeed grateful to the state government for taking us on board in the pursuit of sustainable development.
On the other hand, like the 2020-21 Pandemic Lockdown year, 2021-22 was dramatic for us. Dramatic, because the economic shocks drained in negative cash flows as a consequence of the first COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdowns in 2021 further compounded by delayed government payments for projects,which made the year challenging. But the challenges were worthwhile, as it pushed us to innovate. We are learning to work with the state government, of which we have been shy in the past.
tEA consciously decided not to be dependent on foreign funds since the start in 2000. This has kept us away from applying for FCRA, though foreign funds were offered to us by kind funders. Lack of funds slowed our growth but made us more confident to face any eventuality. Without foreign funds and CSR, since Nagaland is bereft of any industry, Non Profit entities like us have massive hurdles in……….