For 23 years, The Entrepreneurs Associates (tEA) led by its founding CEO Neichute Doulo, has
- Trained and mentored thousands of youth in Nagaland and Manipur,
- Supported more than 18,000+ first generation entrepreneurs (FGE),
- Created 35,000+ local employment
- While also working with 27,000+ farmers to take up livelihood activities in rural areas,
- Trained 7000+ women vendors (WSV) and
- Capacitating 1,500+ SHGs for livelihoods.
It works extensively in enterprise development and credit linkages. tEA has also pioneered two social enterprises, ASPORA and EANFER to aggregate farm products of farmers for market linkages and preparing ecosystems that it feels will be required for entrepreneurial growth in the future. The organization has harnessed faith based organizations, national banks and private banks, corporate houses, Government and educational institutes; infusing finances and creating networks , thereby creating economic opportunities and wealth for societies.
tEA’s action on the ground has moved government policies in favorable directions. In a state where entrepreneurship was alien, the government of Nagaland declared the years 2010-2012 as the ‘Year of the Entrepreneur’. Schools, university and college campuses are turning into active trainings grounds for new generations of entrepreneurs. In 2015, The Entrepreneurs Associates (tEA) was selected by the National Rural Livelihoods mission to launch the Start Up Village Entrepreneurship Program (SVEP) in Nagaland.

Based on its exhaustive experience and its impact on the entrepreneurship sector, tEA’s vision and mission is described below:
A world where conscious entrepreneurs, adopting high standards of ethics and values, creates inclusion and equity, and takes society and the nation forward as part of their own success.
- Seeding and empowering Feast of Merit Entrepreneurs through trainings, finance and mentorship.
- Sustaining ventures that emerge from local cultures and ideas through market, policy and systemic change.
- Scaling behaviour change in individuals, communities and institutions to adopt, act and champion Feast of Merit Entrepreneurship.
- Scanning opportunities and challenges by being a leader in innovations and demonstrating the essence of Feast of Merit.