Uplifting Women Street Vendors Program

women street vendors

The Entrepreneurs Associates (tEA) under the “Uplifting Women Street Vendors program” on November 1, 2023, distributed QR codes to 26 women street vendors at Sokhriezie Market as part of the ‘Digitalization Initiative’ for women vendors. This was an initiative of the program to connect with the women in their workstations and make our program an integral part of their work life.

The women street vendors who received QR codes were from various locations, including Officers Hill, Red Cross, Upper Chandmari, South Police Market, Red Cross, South Point Market, New Ministers Hill, PR Hill, Bamboo Market, and Sokhrieze Market.

The Uplifting Women Street Vendors Program is a flagship program of The Entrepreneurs Associates, launched in October 2017, to empower women involved in the network of marketing farm produce. The program engages with women street vendors, producers who also sell their yields, and aggregators who link rural products with the urban markets. Till date, tEA has trained and worked with 7000 Women Street Vendors in Nagaland, Manipur and Assam with plans to spread to other states in the North East over the next year. Under the program, tEA has been providing training on financial & business management, skills training, Health and legal services, mentorship and linkages to markets and Zero Interest Loans. tEA hopes that by 2024, 10,000 women street vendors will be impacted under the program.

This includes:
  1. Financial planning and management
  2. Healthcare
  3. Legal awareness
  4. Awareness building on policy provisions for them
  5. Ethical Business practices
  6. Better customer service
  7. Creating convergences for them with different agencies
  8. Digital Empowerment
  9. Financial Inclusion & networks
  10. Market Connections

The project while empowering women also aims to sensitize community and society about the important role that women vendors play across the state by involving members of the legal sector, policy makers, civil society workers, church leaders and community leaders in the trainings and programmes. The project includes continuous mentoring and Monitoring, carried out through the various branch offices and community mobilizers. The Entrepreneurs Associates (tEA) believes that the initiative for women street vendors and women involved in their network will be catalytic in changing society as better trained/educated and empowered women can steer families as well as impact change in communities.

The Entrepreneurs Associates (tEA) through the Uplifting Women Street Vendors program is creating convergences with various organizations and has collaborated with the Sisterhood Network, Nagaland State Legal Services Authority (NSLSA) and Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation, Caring Friends , Capri Global Capital Limited (CGCL), HSBC, Grow Fund, Friends of Women’s World Banking (FWWB), National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), and Dharampal Satyapal (DS).